23 January 2008

political panhandling

The Race is On! according to my mail:

We are in the midst of a hard-fought and tight race. Super Tuesday awaits us, and we must work even harder than before! Presidential campaigns are about strength from supporters and leadership from the candidate. With your support, I know we can win the nomination and go one to win the White House. 

Ascona, securing the nomination depends on results on February 5th. We're weeks away, and we must have the resources to fight anything that is thrown at us. Your contribution of $100 will help us build on our momentum and deliver the votes to win New York on Super Tuesday. Can I count on your contribution today?

The stakes couldn't be higher. Events couldn't be moving faster. With everything on the line, let's show them what we're made of. Please send your contribution today or go to www.HillaryClinton.com/ now to make an immediate impact. 

Thank you for your continued support.


n.b. Ascona tithed once to Senator Clinton's first senatorial race, but continues to receive requests for additional funding.

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