23 July 2008


John McCain, taking a page from the Clinton campaign handbook, is accusing the 'media' of having a love affair with Barack Obama in a TV ad titled 'Love'. However, the 'media bias' claim is wearing thin. After months of being called "Hussein" and "Osama bin Laden", and wading through the muck of Rev. Wright et al., Obama finished ahead of Clinton and is leading nationally versus McCain. Of course, it is still early in the campaign and things could change. But it is interesting that all the arguments against Obama (not experience, not ready, is a closet Islamist, hasn't done anything in his life, etc.) have not enabled McClinton to gain a decisive and expected advantage. I doubt that 'media bias' alone explains this. It is an unusual year and all of Sean Hannity's horses and men have not yet been able to put the Republican Party back together again.

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