Technology is making gestures precise and brutal, and with them men. (...) Thus the ability is lost, for example, to close a door quietly and discreetly, yet firmly. -- Adorno
Likewise, the ability to traverse public spaces in discreet lines is lost. The 7th Avenue sidewalks are virtually blockaded by parents or nannies pushing baby strollers in a haphazard manner. I have often wondered what hormones are triggered when one steers a six, eight, or sixteen wheeler (that double-wide dreadnought, equipped with multiple cup holders and independent storage unit) that cause a distinct lack of awareness of surrounding objects to occur. On narrow passages, two side-by-side strollers forestall passage in either direction. The sheer obliviousness of the stroller mafia is maddening. Should not the rules of the road apply to the sidewalks? Two single lanes, passing on the right, no stopping without signaling?
Until the DMV's bailiwick is expanded to include licensing for stroller drivers, a special stroller lane is necessary.
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